Here you will find details of events connected with OFNZ or our members.

If you are a member and would like your event featured please email with the details – date, time, place, cost (if any), and a brief description. If you have a photo or flyer please attach that as well.

Latest Past Events

Feedback on OFNZ Constitution Survey

ZOOM Zoom link in event detail

Please join us for a discussion on the outcomes of the OFNZ Constitution Survey, and the proposed recommendations moving forward. Zoom: Meeting ID: 896 4192 0383 Password: 378188


The Annual General Meeting of OFNZ is online, register here. AGM Draft agenda 1pm to 3.30 1. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting 2. National Coordinating Committee’s report 3. […]

NCC meeting

Papers for consideration need to be submitted to TEN working days before the meeting. The agenda will be sent to participants ONE week before

Members are welcome to attend an NCC meeting. Please complete and return this confidentiality agreement at least THREE days before the meeting so we can arrange to send you the agenda and link. Form to be emailed to